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Sample 1: This is an introductory paragraph to a piece I wrote on the pros and cons of preschool:

There are so many choices to make when you bring a new child in to the world; decision fatigue can quickly start to wear on new parents. The decision on whether or not to send your child to preschool, not to mention where to send them, is a big one in the life and development of your child. Some of the pros include socialization, independence, early learning, culture, and structure/routine. Some of the cons include separation anxiety, less one on one time, overstimulation, and learning too much too soon. The best thing you can do to determine whether you should send your child to preschool or not is to know your own child and think about their personality and learning style. As the parent, you are best equipped to make the right decision for your child.


Sample 2: The following paragraph is an excerpt from a review of a fitness program (name has been removed).

My favorite part of the program was that she was so encouraging. I actually remember listening to her podcast and hearing her say that the reason she is so encouraging is not for the viewers, but for herself. How cool is that?! Even SHE needs the positive affirmation and reminder that she is strong and she can do this. Knowing this helps me get through the workout because it reminds me that it's supposed to be hard and that I'm not in it alone (even if it seems like it at 5 am in my living room). Which brings me to another point- sometimes at 5 am, I don't want to hear her super positive and happy voice. I love that I have the option to mute everything but her basic instructions, so I can listen to my own music that gets me pumped up, or catch up on my shows. It's a great way to have some me time and to multitask.


Sample 3: Following is an excerpt responding to the news of processed meats being linked to cancer.

America has a reputation for making food bigger, better, and less healthy. When I traveled to France while I was in high school, I quickly found that the food was not what I was used to in America. Toward the end of the trip, my friends and I were dying for something greasy, and were really excited to find a shop that sold a sandwich called "The American." The sandwich consisted of 2 burger patties, cheese, ketchup, mayonnaise, and french fries. We laughed at ourselves for ordering and eating The American and falling right into the stereotype. My much healthier self now looks back on that decision and cringes. 

So when I first heard this news, it didn't really surprise me. When I was growing up, my mom barely made red meat because she knew it wasn't as good for my sister and me. We often ate chicken dishes, and would substitute ground turkey in a recipe for ground beef. I do love an occasional steak, burger, or (I'll admit it- over-sized) serving of bacon now and then, but I'm glad my mom brought me up eating healthier meats.

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